Past Exhibitions

From Salty Meats to Tasty Treats: The History of Food Trucks


A brief history of food trucks in the United States, from their beginnings as chuck wagons to their evolution into versatile, chic street food. Featured are numerous photos of Boyertown Auto Body Works trucks, which built a range of food trucks in the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the Museum's own 1958 Mister Softee ice cream truck.

One Hit Wonders of the Road


Featuring three custom built, one-of-a-kind cars, "One Hit Wonders of the Road" highlights exquisite craftsmanship found in unique vehicles that cannot be found anywhere else. All three of these fine automobiles--the fiberglass bodied 1952 Masano, the '30s style Adams car built on a 1956 Chevrolet chassis, and the long and luxurious Rhino Speedster--have their roots here in Pennsylvania.

Falling Star: The Chevrolet Vega


Meant to be General Motors’ flagship automobile, the Vega unfortunately fell short of expectations. Learn how the Vega did not exactly take off as expected, resulting in a car fondly remembered by some, while dubbed as “the car that ruined GM” by others. Four Vegas, two of which are all original limited editions, will be on display to illustrate this turning point in GM’s history.

Boyertown Auto Museum |Historic Vehicles |Boyertown PA
Boyertown Auto Museum |Historic Vehicles |Boyertown PA

Woodrow Wilson, President Electric: Harnessing the Power of Innovation in the Progressive Era


This award-winning exhibit, on loan from the Woodrow Wilson House Museum in Washington, D.C., looks at the technological innovations that occurred during, and at times influenced by, President Woodrow Wilson’s administration from 1913 to 1921. Featuring the Museum’s 1921 Milburn Electric Coupe, which is the same model car used by President Wilson’s Secret Service men.

The Boyertown Car Scene

Travel back in time to when hot rods and fast cars ruled the streets. Memorabilia from local car clubs such as the Road Knights, Rod Benders, Hot Sparks, Angels of Route 100, and more will be on display. In addition, four exquisite cars from the hot rod heyday will be exhibited.

Road Knights |Rod Benders | Hot Sparks | Angels of Route 100 | Boyertown Museum
1921 cottage-style Sunoco gas station | Boyertown Auto Museum

Boyertown Museum unveils the newest exhibit

This past Saturday, November 2, the Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles unveiled its newest permanent exhibit: a 1921 cottage-style Sunoco gas station.

Many visitors were on hand to watch as the ribbon was cut, officially opening the building, manufactured by Shepard Steel, and its accessories, two Visible Fry gravity-fed pumps, and oil and kerosene pumps.

In photo at left, courtesy of the Tri County Record (21st Century Media), pictured from left, are: volunteers Don Wilton and Ernie Derkas; Loretta Wolf (Operations Manager), Dan Faut (Facilities), Bernard Hofmann (Board President), Bob Dare (Executive Committee Chairman), Kendra Cook (Curator) and Rod Reinert (Facilities Manager).

Bicycles |Fine Motor Cars |Boyertown Auto Museum

On Merit Alone: The Story of Acme


Trace the history of the Acme Manufacturing Company, builder of bicycles and later of fine motor cars. The company’s factories were located in Reading, Pennsylvania at North Eighth and Elm Streets. Typical of the era, Acme tried to modernize and transition to the motorized era. More than just a company history, On Merit Alone also focuses on such disparate topics as early automobile racing and the role of the bicycle in the women’s movement.

Boyertown Museum Welcomes Conestoga Wagon into Collection

The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles is pleased to welcome into its collection of vehicles a ca.1827 Conestoga wagon built in Berks County, Pennsylvania. This impressive artifact from our country’s earlier years was used to transport grain from Berks County to Philadelphia, making a stop at Reading stores on the return trip to drop off merchandise purchased in the big city. Conestoga wagons such as this one were the main freight haulers in the days before trucking.

Though the Conestoga wagon has been on display at the Museum for many years, it was not actually part of the Museum’s collection. It was here on loan from the Historical Society of Berks County, which recently deaccessioned the Conestoga wagon. The Museum has been fortunate enough to attain it and make it a part of its collection, where it can continue educating visitors about life and commerce right here in Berks County.

Boyertown Auto Museum |Historic Vehicle Collection |Boyertown PA
1946 Jeep |Roy Rogers Show |Boyertown Auto Museum

Branding Roy Rogers: From Nellybelle to Lunchboxes


Nellybelle, a 1946 Willys Jeep used in the Roy Rogers Show, will be the centerpiece of a new exhibit. While Nellybelle is enough of an attraction in and of itself, there will also be plenty of Roy Rogers merchandise on display. Roy Rogers was one of the most recognizable faces in the 1950s, and second only to Disney cartoons in product licensing.

Celebrate a Vintage Christmas at the Boyertown Museum


Beginning in mid-November, the Boyertown Museum will be having a special Christmas exhibit to coincide with the holiday season. Vintage toys and decorations will help enliven the festivities. Two exquisite 1920s Ford trucks will be on display and decorated for the festivities. One of these two trucks is a 1924 Ford Model TT with some very interesting modifications—a multi-level operating electric model train track! These trains will be run on December 7, 2012, during the Boyertown Holiday House Tour, on which the Museum will again be a stop.

Boyertown Auto Museum |Historic Vehicles |Boyertown PA
Duryea Car |Automotive Pioneer | Boyertown Museum | Historic Vehicle

What a Motor Vehicle Should Be: Charles Duryea’s Pennsylvania Autos


Automotive pioneer Charles Duryea spent many years in both Reading and Philadelphia building a more “scientific auto.” Six of his Pennsylvania-built autos will follow the different phases of automobile design Duryea implemented while he worked in Pennsylvania.

The Life Atomic: Growing Up in the Shadow of the A Bomb

An exploration of the history of the Atomic Age in postwar America, featuring a 1953 REO Heavy Rescue truck used by the Berks County Civil Defense. Experience a full-scale mock bomb shelter, music, and much more.

Boyertown Auto Museum |Historic Vehicles |Boyertown PA